Here will be the thread to make ideas on improving our pk in CA!
I will start by naming a few things:
-Every CA must have a leader!
-When the leader says the location to meet, NO CHESTING, NO PKING! Just run to the location!
-If however you get a bad spawn, let yourself die and rerun fast.
-When in PK:
Voys: Run infront of guild and conch ur ass off.
SS: Seal voys only!
SealMasters: Same as SS and Shadow of Insignia on cruz ofc (Edited for Troy)
Clerics: bolt voys only (when in big pk)
Crus: Zerk/Slash/back, To avoid conch
Champs: Sit ur ass on the ground o.o
-When CA has exceeded 25 minutes, we must all gather at navy to survive till the end. Don't try to pk, its best to survive BD mobs and pk after
-Voys from guild must try to party his nearby guildies and try to prevent conching the people from the guild that are not in the party.
If anyone has any more suggestions that can improve our pk in CA, Please feel free to post it here ^-^